Little tips to help save the planet

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Make Your Gift Giving Eco-friendly With Gifts Made From Recycled Materials

Buying presents made from Recycled Materials is like giving three gifts in one! You'll be giving back to the planet and you'll feel good about it too.

The Wrap On Single Use Wrapping Paper

We waste millions of pounds of gift wrap each year. But we don't have to!

Tens of thousands of trees can be saved IF we think about using other gift wrap alternatives, like cloth items, magazines, newspaper, butcher paper, and insist on using recyclable types if we do want to use actual paper.

And we should always use gift wrap that is free of shiny items like glitter, plastic coating or other micro plastics, so it can to be recycled and you can feel all warm and fuzzy for giving a gift to the planet as well.

Why it's better to leave the leaves when they fall from the Trees.

Earth Grammie gives 5 reasons why it's better for the environment to leave fallen leaves on the ground instead of raking them up or blowing them away.

And Please, Never throw them in the trash !

How to Recycle Plastic Bags and Packaging

Do you have a pile of plastic plaguing you?

Plastic shopping bags and plastic packaging can be pesky for sure. And what about all that plastic packaging from online shopping? Especially after Black Friday and this holiday shopping season, shesh!

You are not supposed to recycle it at home so what do you do?

Earth Grammie's got you! Check out the videos on how you can be the solution and fight the pollution.

Earth Grammie's Warriors on Waste

Fast Fashion Fighter - Jianhue

Jianhui is an ethical jewelry designer based in London. He and his artisans use recycled materials and offcuts, making as possible by hand while using minimal electricity, to create incredible works of earth friendly wearable art!

FAST FASHION = high volumes of lower quality garments at low price levels

The fashion industry is among the top global polluters. Changing how garments are produced and consumed is essential to achieving international climate goals. Emissions from clothing production would need to fall by 50-60% within the next seven years to stay below 1.5-degree increased warming but if we continue on our current path, the fashion industry is projected to double its emissions within a decade.

This is primarily due to faster fashion cycles, increased discount sales, shorter lifespan of clothing items, the use of difficult-to-recycle synthetic fabrics, destroying unsold items and the practice of sending second-hand clothes to landfills in developing countries.

Here is where you can help ------------------------->

If you want to learn more about the effects of FAST FASHION from CNN - click here.

How can you do your part?

  • Do you really need that cheap trendy new garment you'll only wear once or twice?

  • Why not shop in your closet? If you're like Earth Grammie there are sure to be some pieces you've forgotten about.

  • Any chance of breathing new life into an older once loved piece?

  • When you do clean out your closet and are ready to let go of items, look for places to sell or donate what's left.

  • Ask companies you love if they have a take back program, if not ask them to start one.

  • Can you borrow, lend and trade clothes with friends and neighbors? This is also a fun way to build community.

  • Make sure to look at the quality of the fabric and durability in the the new clothes you do buy.

  • And why not take a look at some second-hand shops or online re-sellers for fun new items to spruce up your wardrobe?

Check out Earth Grammie's favorite Vintage Shop

Can you Reuse Repurpose, Remake, Repair, Rent out or Resell your old Garments so they don't end up here?

"Do we really need all that plastic when we buy our fresh food?

There is so much excessive use of plastic packaging in the food industry. Plastic has become the go-to choice for convenience, but we can't ignore that it's wreaking havoc on the environment. It's causing some serious damage to our marine life and ecosystems and is even in the food we eat!

So, it's high time we re-evaluate our habits and start considering alternatives, like biodegradable materials for packaging. Or better yet, using less packaging altogether. That would be a huge big step towards reducing plastic waste!

We can make a remarkable difference by being more mindful of our shopping practices and choosing more sustainable packaging to give our planet a much-needed breather and secure a greener future!

Stop Tree Murders

One easy way to help the forests and conserve water is to swap out your everyday use of single use paper towels for Swedish Dishcloths. They replace about 17 rolls of paper towels and can last 6-9 months! See how easy it can be to become a Warrior on Waste!

New Way to Do Your Laundry

Stop using those heavy plastic jugs of detergent. These are mostly filled with water & have to be transported over distances creating a larger carbon footprint and then most often end up in Landfills. -Why not try laundry sheets which are much more earth friendly and cause almost zero waste ?

How to Have An Eco Friendly Party

Earth Grammie is back with tips on how face the waste before you start the fun!

WARRIOR on WASTE - Recycle Artist

Thomas Dambo

Earth Grammie caught up with Thomas Dambo at the Nordic Museum outside Seattle before his presentation and just after the unveiling of his sixth troll sculpture in the Pacific Northwest.

Each of these incredible sculptures save around 5 tons of wood waste from being discarded in landfills. It's astonishing to think that Thomas and his team have created over 100 trolls worldwide. That's a whole lot of trash into treasure!

Thomas uses the attention generated by his sculptures to raise awareness about waste management and help think of trash as a resource. He encourages us to reconsider the possibilities of repurposing wood waste, such as using it for building materials in furniture, homes, and other structures. The potential is endless.

He aims to inspire us all to start regarding our waste as a resource for someone else to repurpose and reuse. By doing so we can all become Warriors on Waste!